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Etiket: İkna etme teknikleri nelerdir

Acaba Yerine Hangisi Taktiği Nedir

acaba değil hangi tekniği örnek? In the technology “I wonder what” (do not ask whether you ask whether you ask, which technology) is offered direct options without asking whether he needs a product or whether he wants a product or whether he opts for a topic want and is and is expected to choose one of them in a sense (Larson., 1995: 330). Evet tekniği nedir? Der ja-eut-technik werden fragen, die wahrscheinlich auf das ziel reagieren, gestellt, die eigentliche anfrage wird am end überlassen (z. ). Quelle: Sankeskioğlu, B. (2012). Überzeugender Kommunikation’da Quelle. Rica taktiği nedir? It is based on…

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